All Great Cities Have Great Parks
Jacksonville has a unique, once in a lifetime opportunity to turn downtown city-owned property into an iconic riverfront for all.
We envision a connected network of extensive public green space and active parks along Jacksonville’s downtown riverfront that maximizes public access, reconnects the community to our river and creates a sense of place.

Provide a Gathering Place
for the Community

Stimulate Surrounding
Economic Development

Create a More
Resilient Downtown
RIVERFRONT PARKS NOW: Jacksonville’s Riverfront Opportunity
A 3-minute video highlighting collaboration, consensus and momentum
Who We Are
Riverfront Parks Now is a coalition of non-profit organizations who have come together to advocate for a connected network of parks and green spaces in downtown Jacksonville. We have worked with city leaders, the business community, and citizens across the city and we are heartened that there is momentum and consensus on the way forward. In 2022, funding was approved for major destination parks, the riverwalk extension, public marinas, and other important projects such as the restoration of McCoy’s and Hogan’s Creeks and the Emerald Trail.
“Parks are essential infrastructure for 21st century cities.”
— Catherin Nagel, Executive Director, City Parks Alliance
Keep Up To Date
City Council and Mayor commit to fully funding riverfront parks
Riverfront Parks's vision, since 2020, has been for Jacksonville to create destination parks along the Northbank. How gratifying to see substantial levels of city funding proposed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council ...
Give Your Input on Shipyards Park Concepts!
Agency Landscape has presented initial concepts for public review on the planned 10-12 acre Shipyards West Park, located at the mouth of Hogan's Creek across from Maxwell House Coffee. Your input is wanted! Here are ...
Engagement High for Riverfront 2025: A Look Ahead
We were thrilled to see so much momentum and enthusiasm for our Downtown Riverfront at the recent Riverfront 2025 meeting at the Main Library. On February 8th, over 400 guests in-person and 100 guests online ...
Support Documents
Riverfront Parks Now Presentation | download pdf
Economic Impact of Parks | download pdf
Mission Statement | download pdf
Riverfront Parks Create Healthy Cities | download pdf
Riverfront Parks Create Resilient Cities | download pdf
A Riverfront for All | download pdf
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